NEET to work

“NEET to work” is a mobility of youth workers, KA1 Training Course, under Erasmus+ and will be implemented by Copernicus Berlin and Copernicus Yerevan. The training course will take place in Yerevan, Armenia and it will involve 32 youth workers from 8 different countries (Germany, Poland, Spain, Denmark, Russian Federation, Georgia, Ukraine and Armenia).

The main aim of “NEET to work” project is to equip youth workers with the necessary skills and educational tools in order to be capable to offer voluntary activities which will help NEET to make the first step, either for employment or education/training. In this regard, some of the specific objectives of the project for youth workers are: to understand the impact of having young people in a NEET situation and explore local realities, to learn about interventions and forms of support to early school leavers and so prevent future NEET situations, to understand how Erasmus + and other EU programmes can be used to include young people in NEET situation.

The project will use non formal learning methodology including methods such as: ice breakers, energizers, name games, reflection groups, working into intercultural subgroups, facilitated discussion, creative presentations, simulation, case study and debates.

The project will involve 32 participants, 4 for each of the Partner Countries, over 18 years. The project is implemented by 8 organizations and financed by the European Commission through Erasmus+ programme.

Participants' profile

For the participants’ selection the following criteria will be taken into consideration:

  • Mix of existing and experienced youth workers but also youth workers who are new or newish to youth unemployment, inclusion of youth, career guidance and NEETs.
  • Demonstration of social sensibilities (socially active youth workers/volunteers with a role in local communities and interested in promoting projects for activate young NEETs).
  • Personal beliefs and attitudes (interest in actions of providing guidance to others and interacting effectively in a multicultural context, effort to generalize non-stereotyped behavior and to avoid prejudice).

The participants will have the following tasks:

  • To complete the Participant’s mobility report sent by EU, make at least one publication or article, presentation or other online follow up activity (on organization website, Facebook or other social network). In addition, everything else that you could do or organize as a dissemination of the project will be warmly welcomed and appreciated from us.
  • We encourage participants of all eligible ages to take part in our project.
  • Regarding gender balance, we shall take care that the proportion of females and males participating is close to 50%/50%.
  • Moreover, equality of chances is one of the values shared by Copernicus and its partners; we will not tolerate any kind of discrimination throughout this project, especially regarding the selection of the participants.
  • On National Agency request, the partner organisations have to be able to justify the integration of their representatives in the target group. Only the participants belonging to the target group could be funded in the frame of this project.
  • The Youthpass will be released at the end of the training to all participants.

The location: All the activities will take place in Yerevan, Armenia. The participants will be accommodated at Nova Hotel located in the center of the city.

Dates: 9-17 September 2021

Applicant: Copernicus Berlin e.V. (Germany)

Host organisation: Copernicus Yerevan (Armenia) and Asociación PROJUVEN (Spain)

Participating countries: Armenia, Denmark, Georgia, Germany, Poland, Russian Federation, Spain, Ukraine

The project is funded by the Erasmus + Program of the European Union and JUGEND für Europa Nationale Agentur.


Application: Please fill in the online application form in order to apply this programme.
